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Imagine a world where it is possible to know the weight of your herd through your cell phone, that's exactly what you read, an application that allows you to weigh cattle using your cell phone.

However, the advancement of technology has increasingly surprised us and also helped us, with this application you no longer need to invest in expensive scales or break a sweat.

Read this article until the end and be surprised by these applications, the best is 3° App.

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Technology in Livestock

Firstly, technology has been revolutionizing livestock farming, boosting productivity, sustainability and the quality of animal products.

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Through innovative tools, such as cell phone livestock scales, herd management has been more efficient and precise, thus generating a positive impact on the entire production chain.

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However, technology will continue to be a crucial factor in the development of livestock farming, and it extends to other branches of agribusiness, maintaining the strength it has in our society.

Because, with technological innovations, a more prosperous and promising future for agribusiness can be guaranteed.

The importance of cattle weight

Firstly, the weight of cattle is a key factor for efficient livestock management, as it provides valuable information about the health, development, productivity and value of the animal.

Monitoring the weight of the herd over time allows the breeder to make strategic decisions that directly impact the profitability of the business.

Below are the main indicators of the importance of cattle weight for health and development:

Health indicator: the animal's weight is a reflection of its general health, as weight loss may indicate malnutrition, parasites or other diseases.

Growth monitoring: weight gain is essential for the animal's development, especially in the first months of life.

Identification of problem animals: animals that are below average weight may need special attention to regain weight and growth.

Remembering that a healthy animal is totally reflected in gains for the breeder.

What are the best apps to weigh cattle on your cell phone?

There are several applications for weighing cattle on your cell phone, each with its own functionalities and characteristics, so find out the main apps:

1st Beef

This application was developed by Agroninja, and works using the animal's photo.


  • Breed recognition
  • Calculation of weight by rib eye area
  • Integration with other management software

2nd Field JetBov

This app was developed by JetBov, and also works by photo of the animal.


  • Spreadsheets for taking notes
  • Vaccination control
  • Reporting

3rd Digital Livestock

This application was created by Pecusoft, and also works through the animal's photo.


  • Complete inventory management
  • Inventory control (herd)
  • Financial
  • Breed recognition
  • Vaccination control

4th Cattle Scale

This application was developed by Balança Gado and in fact it works not only for photos but also for videos of the animal.


  • Simple and instructive interface
  • Created for small producers

However, the accuracy of the animals depends on the breed, age, sex and body condition of the animal.

It is important to check if the application is compatible with your smartphone.

The applications mentioned are available on Google Play It is AppleStore.